It’s Time to "Bee" Someone
What’s all the “buzz” about? That’s right, it’s the bees.
On our earth, there are over 20,000 different types of bees, all distinctive in some way, shape, or form. However, at this day, the most “buzzworthy” is the honeybee, and their relation to total food production. The record distress is the wavering world bee population in relation to total food production and at the same time total human population growth. Humans need food to survive, therefore, humans also need bees to survive.
By 2050, we will need to produce at least 60% more food than current production given the total population growth and food requirements to sustain a population.
Given that bees are too focused to be worried about money, and social issues, rather leaving that to the humans. Choosing to remain loyal to their queen, their hives, as well as their “commitment”, it is important to understand and recognize the essential function of honeybees and their direct relation to the dependance that human beings have on these bees all within a much larger systematic earth.
What exactly is the bee’s purpose?
It’s all about that honey. Eat, buzz, sleep, reproduce.
Even the better, the most significant and contributory byproduct of a bee’s “purpose” is the
pollination and cross-pollination of trees, plants, nuts, crop feed, flowers — virtually all
vegetation alike.
What is pollination by bees, and how can it “bee” possible?
Pollination by bees occurs when a bee searches for nectar in budding vegetation, resulting in the sexual spores of these plant-based organisms to attach to the bee’s spiny and furry exoskeleton. In turn, this permits cross vector breeding as a bee goes from one plant, flower, or bud, to other plants again on the hunt for nectar, effectively pollinating the plants. Specifically, pollination is the paring of male plant spores with the female flowers leading to the production of fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, flowers, and just about every form of “food”. Without bees, the ecosystem as well as the food chain, from a microscopic scale, to a macroscopic scale, would not have enough food to survive and would collapse.
Using the food chain as an example, the ascending (micro to macro-being) dependence of bees can be understood.
Soil and micronutrients, as well as bacteria and microbes, create a fertile basis for seeds. Viable seeds eventually evolve into vegetation, which with the help of bees, produces fruit and vegetables and organic fiber.
Smaller organisms feed from these above-ground and underground vegetations, resulting in
fertile earth from their excrement. Then, these small organisms are periodically eaten by bigger organisms— the larger herbivores, who need to sustain a population. Then follow up to the carnivores who depend on the herbivores to have what they need in order to have enough “meat” to hunt. This, in turn, leads to us humans who are both herbivores and carnivores, and who depend on all the these mentioned organisms. Whichever side of the coin humans are on, we need bees to have enough food to survive. Without bees —our fertile soldiers, we would lose systematic homeostasis.
“In all, bees pollinate about $15 billion worth of food crops in the US each year. On a global scale, it’s estimated that somewhere between $235 billion and $577 billion worth of annual food production relies directly on bees. In all, about 84% of commercially grown crops are insect pollinated.” - Chase Purdy, Food Reporter
This is roughly one-third of the world’s total food supply responsible at the wings and legs of
the honeybees.
SO, what’s the buzz about? It’s about the bizzzness of “right here, right now” and the “more
product means more money”. This mentality is spreading at ta viral rate like no other. Instead
of converting quantities of food in monetary measurements, let’s look at proportions of bee
declination, in relation to food production and population growth. Even though bee’s short-term populations (5 years behind, and 5 years ahead) fluctuate drastically, the overall long-term
population (over 50 years or more) remains surely constant. A constant bee population can
sustain only a constant human population, not an increasing one.
How many bees are there worldwide?
Given that only commercial bees that are being cared for by beekeepers can estimated with limited accuracy, and if we average out the fluctuations of populations over the years, it is believed that there are on average, around two trillion bees in the hives of beekeepers across the world.
How many Humans are there?
There are approximately 7.8 billion humans on earth at this moment (year 2021 AD). By 2050, given the current population growth rate, we will have around 9.9 billion people on this earth.
What can we do about it? Well, take action is one thing. How?
The ambitions to have the means to acquire everything we want in one lifetime, is overriding the purpose of long-term global existence.
Bad news and “okay” news: Sure, we are profiting in the moment, but we are failing our successors by not planting the sustainable seeds of tomorrow. We are deflecting ultimate lifetime responsibility in order to have a lifetime of recognizable and observed social status, only to tell a story that lasts one lifetime, not several.
Our systematic farming methods, and monopolization of the food responsibility to “feed the world” is seemingly great for now, but truthfully detrimental for later. We want “good” for all, but is it “all” for good? Not right now, however, it can be. The systematic use of pesticides, herbicides, and “filler” sugar flavor enhancers are all posing threats to worldwide bee populations, especially those of non-commercial, wild bees.
Food security and food shortages are already abundant issues worldwide, whether it is marketed or not. It exists, it is here.
“According to the Rome-based World Food Program (WFP) 690 million people do not have enough to eat. while 130 million additional people risk being pushed to the brink of starvation by the end of the year (2020).”
We can plant seeds in the ground, especially nectar bearing fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other forms of vegetation. We can stop using and speak out against pesticides, herbicides, and toxic treatments on plants, as this leads to the toxification of beehives, disorientation (navigation and memory is crucial to seasonal pollination routes), and malformation, destructive treatment-resistant mites and parasites, and ultimately, global warming. Over time, natural occurring mites and parasites selectively become resistant to pesticides and herbicides, leading to labs to create a more powerful product every few years, creating a double threat of toxic chemicals and super mites which are bad for bees, their hives, and all living organisms alike. Given that an average lifespan of a worker honeybee is five to six weeks, it is that time buzz off, “be” that someone right now, and to sustain the bee populations in a healthy manner. Universal responsibility and respect is imperative, meaning, the way we live our lives is important to the way others, as well as other organisms can live theirs. We can shift our mentality and mold slowly from image to usefulness which will put needs back in the rightful throne over wants. Caring for environments through the eyes and needs of other essential organisms can result in the continuity of all populations, not just one. This is not a competitive objective, simply a realignment of responsibilities.