Clarity and Trust in 'New Age' Marketing
Living together in a world we did not create, then creating a world where we live together
The basis of all human "relationships" is trust. From a first “hello” to a “see you later" or final “goodbye”, a relationship, interaction, or series of interactions is engaged and maintained throughout time on the foundations of trust.
Who can we trust? Does a being naturally trust another before one gives a "reason" to distrust? How do past experiences shape future interactions where trust plays a huge "intangible role" towards accomplishing goals, objectives, etc?
What is trust?
Widely open for interpretation, trust is a composition of many ideas as well as definitions, but in brief, trust is having the compartment and capability to effectively engage, communicate, and to act in a seemingly honest way. Trust is exposing your thoughts, feelings, and emotions in an unfamiliar environment. Trust is the natural belief in your own intuition, other people's words, and supplemented by the outcome of external processes that we play direct, as well as indirect roles in. Trust is putting your life in the hands of another.
Trusting someone, or a process begins with the belief in him/her/it.
The will to believe, is the spark that ignites the "flame" of trust. This flame burns in every being until it is diminished—or extinguished—by an event(s) or action(s) over time which later equates to distrust.
Therefore, generally speaking, is it naïve to state that the aim is to trust others, and along with proper presentation, to also trust 'processes'?
What is certain, is that without belief, trust is nearly impossible and vice versa.
Trusting people versus trusting a process. What is the difference?
Trusting people is a two-way road, with transparency and simplicity, while trusting a process often includes people, but in large deals with trusting and believing in the unknown. These processes can be internal or external. Internal processes, for the most part, we tend to have control of decisions that affect the outcome of the process. External processes are situations or circumstances that are usually out of control, making belief and trust seemingly more difficult.
Is the ability to trust inherited? Is it learned? Or is expected to distrust until trust can be proven?
Trust is similar to a “tabla rasa”, or clean slate and acts as a connection between two ends at 100%. When trust is broken, it is difficult to rebuild the connection. From a mental facet, the internal process of rebuilding trust is complicated once the belief is damaged, and to mend it requires self-assurance along with consistency in feelings, words, and actions over time, that can build again the bond of trust within the self. Should distrust be feared, expected, or searched? Or will this "fear" of distrust to indirectly be manifested? Should we live openly, but with guards always at the ready, and trust others as well as processes, both internal and external at 100 %?
In a bigger picture, the devastating effects of distrust in our banded societal world.
- Inclining Homelessness,
"The last time a global survey was attempted – by the United Nations in 2005 – an estimated 100 million people were homeless worldwide. As many as 1.6 billion people lacked adequate housing (Habitat, 2015)."
- Inclining Divorce rates and inclining population with multiple partners:
"Eighty-five percent of young fathers with two or more children by the same partner live with all of their children, compared to only 13 percent of those with children by multiple partners; this reflects that most children live with their mothers after parental separation. (source 3)
- Increased Social Economic Disturbances
The societies in which we find ourselves living and operating within are built on the premises of mathematical equations, and when these are imbalanced, we find them not to be true. We are born in pre-determined situations, some of us better/ some of us worse than others, but regardless, we find ourselves living together in a world we did not create, in order to create a world where we can live together. Continuity.
- Discrimination and Hate
Has it become that bad to where humanity as a "whole" once used intelligence and capability to benefit one another to now where intelligence and capability have become so competitive where we must redefine and recreate our identity in order to become "one" again? Or are isolated incidences being mass marketed, creating a ripple effect of altered views and consciousness to small-scale happenings in order to create a viewpoint or acceptance of a differing behavior? If Humans are the stem cell beings within the membrane of the earth, we can effectively be influenced and manipulated to have our energy directed and used to do whatever the one, group, or groups directing the manipulation are striving for.
- Fear to consume produced foods, goods, and other miscellaneous items
How is the mass production, and mass marketing of industrial processing and manufacturing of foods and edible goods affecting the human "body", the natural environment of earth which hosts us, and the animals who are critical in maintaining the balanced cycle of energy? If families and individuals are encouraged to produce vegetation, food, and basic necessities responsibly, wouldn't many issues be resolved within the overpacked industrial production facilities where human instincts and morals are trained to be lost, forgotten, and ignored in regards to food, goods, as well as respect for one another?
- Threats of War
Is the true threat of war an exterior threat to each respective country by that of another population, or is the actual threat from within? If there is no true threat, are we creating threats and then using these creations to justify action?
Threats, potential threats/actions/inactions, public broadcasts, messages, are being mass marketed and distributed on numerous avenues of influence to guide people towards feeling, thinking, speaking, and acting in certain ways. This can be positive, but is it currently?
A mass is being constructed, it is certain, but what type of mass we are building on this earth is the cause for concern. Is mass production, mass consummation, mass construction/destruction, and mass marketing the way towards a fruitful future for all, or are we led to believe many things before we experience them, only to suffer the lasting aftereffects of chronic illnesses whether mental, physical, or spiritual? Our "mass systematic society" markets, encourages, and intelligently guides us to consume messages, words, products, foods, ideas and 'things' we necessarily wouldn't search based alone on our raw "instincts" of survival. Can we trust in all of it?